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1. Basic kinematic concepts and definitions
2. Kinematic inversions of four-bar chain and slider crank chains
3. Quick return mechanisms
1 Displacement, velocity and acceleration
2. kinematic analysis of simple mechanisms
3. linkage synthesis problem.
1. Displacement diagrams
2. Layout of plate cam profiles
3. Pressure angle and undercutting
1. Spur Gear terminology and definitions
2. contact ratio
3. Gears and Gear trains
1. Sliding and Rolling friction
2. Friction in screw threads
3. Friction clutches
Unit I
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Unit II
Kinematics of Linkage Mechanisms
Displacement, velocity and acceleration analysis of simple mechanisms – Graphical methodVelocity and acceleration polygons – Velocity analysis using instantaneous centres – kinematic analysis of simple mechanisms – Coincident points – Coriolis component of Acceleration -Introduction to linkage synthesis problem.
Unit III
Kinematics of Cam Mechanisms
Classification of cams and followers – Terminology and definitions – Displacement diagrams -Uniform velocity, parabolic, simple harmonic and cycloidal motions – Derivatives of follower motions – Layout of plate cam profiles – Specified contour cams – Circular arc and tangent cams -Pressure angle and undercutting – sizing of cams.
Unit IV
For complete syllabus and results, class timetable and more pls download iStudy. Its a light weight, easy to use, no images, no pdfs platform to make students life easier.
Unit V
Friction in Machine Elements
Surface contacts – Sliding and Rolling friction – Friction drives – Friction in screw threads -Bearings and lubrication – Friction clutches – Belt and rope drives – Friction in brakes- Band and Block brakes.