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Prepared by
S.Santhosh (Admin)
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Unit 11.Soil conservation in India-Erosion-Agents - Causes Mechanics of water erosion, problems2.Types of water erosion full topicUnit 21.SCS-CN method Evolution of Universal Soil Loss Eqn and modified eqn 2.Classification of eroded soilsUnit 31.Grassed waterways2.Agronomic practices,BundingUnit 41. Farm ponds fully or2. Water harvesting principles and techniquesUnit 51.Types of sediment load,Silt Detention Tanks-sediment control methods2.Basics Factors affecting sediment distribution pattern
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**Very important questions are bolded and may be asked based on this topic
1.Compulsory Questions {a case study where the student will have to read and analyse the subject }mostly asked from unit 2, 5(OR) a situation given and you have to answer on your own
Unit 1
1.Soil conservation in India-Erosion-Agents - Causes Mechanics of water erosion, problems
2.Types of water erosion full topic
Unit 2
1.SCS-CN method Evolution of Universal Soil Loss Eqn and modified eqn
2.Classification of eroded soils
Unit 3
1.Grassed waterways
2.Agronomic practices,Bunding
Unit 4
1. Farm ponds fully or
2. Water harvesting principles and techniques
Unit 5
1.Types of sediment load,Silt Detention Tanks-sediment control methods
2.Basics Factors affecting sediment distribution pattern
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**Very important questions are bolded and may be asked based on this topic
1.Compulsory Questions {a case study where the student will have to read and analyse the subject }
mostly asked from unit 2, 5(OR) a situation given and you have to answer on your own
don't waste my hardwork and valuable time
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*These questions are expected for the exams This may or may not be asked for exams All the best.... from admin Santhosh
Thanks for your love and support guys keep supporting and share let the Engineers know about Us and leave a comment below for better improvements If there is any doubt feel free to ask me I will clear if I can or-else I will say some solutions ..get me through WhatsApp for instant updates ~$tuff$£ctorSYllabuS UNIT I SOIL EROSION PRINCIPLES Approaches to soil conservation-Soil conservation in India-Erosion-Agents - Causes Mechanics of water erosion- Soil erosion problems - Types of water erosion Raindrop erosion, Sheet erosion, Rill erosion, Gully erosion, Stream bank erosion-Classification of Gully-Gully Control Structures: Drop Spillway. Drop Inlet, Chute Spillways-Prerequisites for soil and water conservation measures
Runoff computation for soil conservation SCS-CN method Evolution of Universal Soil Loss Equation: Applications and Limitations -Modified Universal Soil Lois Equation-Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation- Permissible erosion-Land use capability classification - Classification of eroded soils.
Agronomic practices: contour cultivation strip cropping - tillage practices Soil management practices Bunding: Types and design specifications - Mechanical measures for hill slopes Terracing: Classification and design specification of bench terrace - Grassed waterways: Location construction and maintenance- Types of temporary and permanent gully control structures.
In-situ soil moisture conservation- Water harvesting principles and techniques: Micro catchments. catchment yield using morphometric analysis - Farm ponds: Components, Design, Construction and
Protection-Check dams - Earthen dam-Retaining wall.
Sediment: Sources - Types of sediment load - Mechanies of sediment transport-Estimation of bed load Sediment Graph Reservoir sedimentation: Basics Factors affecting sediment distribution pattern. Rates of reservoir sedimentation Silt Detention Tanks-sediment control methods
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*These questions are expected for the exams This may or may not be asked for exams
All the best.... from admin Santhosh
Thanks for your love and support guys keep supporting and share let the Engineers know about Us and leave a comment below for better improvements
If there is any doubt feel free to ask me I will clear if I can or-else I will say some solutions ..get me through WhatsApp for instant updates ~$tuff$£ctor UNIT I SOIL EROSION PRINCIPLES
Approaches to soil conservation-Soil conservation in India-Erosion-Agents - Causes Mechanics of water erosion- Soil erosion problems - Types of water erosion Raindrop erosion, Sheet erosion, Rill erosion, Gully erosion, Stream bank erosion-Classification of Gully-Gully Control Structures: Drop Spillway. Drop Inlet, Chute Spillways-Prerequisites for soil and water conservation measures
Sediment: Sources - Types of sediment load - Mechanies of sediment transport-Estimation of bed load Sediment Graph Reservoir sedimentation: Basics Factors affecting sediment distribution pattern. Rates of reservoir sedimentation Silt Detention Tanks-sediment control methods