Prepared by
S.Santhosh (Admin)
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Unit 1 ground water occurrence
spatial variability of groundwater,
methods for ground water exploration,**
determination of aquifer parameters**
Unit-2. Well construction
Groundwater structure, ground water development and utilization,
types of water wells,drilling method s,well development***
groundwater monitoring
design and construction of water wells , maintenance
Unit 3 ground water pollution
Ground water development and quality consideration, contamination **
Source and causes of ground water pollution, contamination **
groundwater bioremediation , management of salt water ingress in land and coastal aquifers.
Unit 4. Ground water management
Management of declining and rising water table, natural and artificial ground water recharge,
water lifting , different types of pumps, selection of pumps , pump characteristics curve , cost of ground water pumping****
comparative economics of surface and ground water and ground water use for irrigation.
Unit 5. Ground water development policies
Major issues related to groundwater development and management in India ***may be part c
legal aspects of ground water exploitation,