Prepared by
S.Santhosh (Admin)
Important questions share it a link alone
most viewed dept will get update at first So Dont screenshot and share
same qns given as last time bcoz these are very finite questiosn choosen by me .so no neeed tochange the question in this list read all given and get good marks
1. design implementation**
2. evolution of OS
3. OS structure and operations**
1. process(components,)**
2. Thread(libraries) and SMP Management**
3. Process Synchronization
4. Critical Section Problem
5/ Scheduling (types, diff)**
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1.Contiguous Memory Allocation, Segmentation** Replacement ( full topic and related sums algorithms )**
3.Copy on write
4. thrashing
1.disk management,scheduling (disk strorage allocation,performance)FCFS,SSTF,SCAN (DISK SCHEDULING
2. sums related to disk queue with respect to I/O driver and stream module
1.types of VM
3. iOS and andriod
2.virtualization and OS components
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**Very important questions are bolded and may be asked based on this topic
1.Compulsory Questions {a case study where the student will have to read and analyse the subject }mostly asked from unit 2, 5(OR) a situation given and you have to answer on your own
same qns given as last time bcoz these are very finite questiosn choosen by me .so no neeed tochange the question in this list read all given and get good marks
1. design implementation**
2. evolution of OS
3. OS structure and operations**
1. process(components,)**
2. Thread(libraries) and SMP Management**
3. Process Synchronization
4. Critical Section Problem
5/ Scheduling (types, diff)**
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1.Contiguous Memory Allocation, Segmentation** Replacement ( full topic and related sums algorithms )**
3.Copy on write
4. thrashing
1.disk management,scheduling (disk strorage allocation,performance)FCFS,SSTF,SCAN (DISK SCHEDULING
2. sums related to disk queue with respect to I/O driver and stream module
1.types of VM
3. iOS and andriod
2.virtualization and OS components
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**Very important questions are bolded and may be asked based on this topic
don't waste my hardwork and valuable time