Prepared by
S.Santhosh (Admin)
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Unit 1most viewed dept will get update at first So Dont screenshot and share
1.Predicting demand for water- Impurities of water and their significance
2.Physical, chemical and bacteriological analysis
3.Waterborne diseases ,Intake of water
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1. Clarifloccuator, Defluoridation
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2. Coagulation and flocculation
3.Desalination process,Construction, Operation,Maintenance
1. Storage and balancing reservoirs
2.distribution systems, leak detection, maintenance of distribution systems
3.Distribution system: layout, hydraulics of pipe lines, pipe fittings, valves
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1. Characteristics and composition of sewage
2. Sewer materials, DEsign, storm drainage
3. sewer design,pumping
1. Selection of Treatment Methods
3.Recent Advances in Sewage Treatment - Construction, Operation and Maintenance***
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As Engineer i think you know how to respect another
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All the best....
Thanks for your love and support guys keep supporting and share let the Engineers know about Us and leave a comment below for better improvements If there is any doubt feel free to ask me I will clear if I can or-else I will say some solutions ..get me through WhatsApp for instant updates ~$tuff$£ctorUNIT I WATER SUPPLY Estimation of surface and subsurface water resources - Predicting demand for water- Impurities ofwater and their significance - Physical, chemical and bacteriological analysis - Waterborne diseases- Standards for potable water. Intake of water: Pumping and gravity schemes.UNIT II WATER TREATMENT Objectives - Unit operations and processes - Principles, functions, and design of water treatmentplant units, aerators of flash mixers, Coagulation and flocculation – Clarifloccuator - Plate and tubesettlers - Pulsator clarifier - sand filters - Disinfection - softening, removal of iron and manganese -Defluoridation - Softening - Desalination process - Residue Management - Construction, Operationand Maintenance aspectsUNIT III WATER STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION Storage and balancing reservoirs - types, location and capacity. Distribution system: layout,hydraulics of pipe lines, pipe fittings, valves including check and pressure reducing valves, meters,analysis of distribution systems, leak detection, maintenance of distribution systems, pumpingstations and their operations - House service connections.UNIT IV PLANNING AND DESIGN OF SEWERAGE SYSTEM Characteristics and composition of sewage - Population equivalent - Sanitary sewage flow estimation- Sewer materials - Hydraulics of flow in sanitary sewers - Sewer design - Storm drainage-Stormrunoff estimation - Sewer appurtenances - Corrosion in sewers - Prevention and control – Sewagepumping-drainage in buildings - Plumbing systems for drainageUNIT V SEWAGE TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL Objectives - Selection of Treatment Methods - Principles, Functions, - Activated Sludge Process andExtended aeration systems - Trickling filters - Sequencing Batch Reactor(SBR) - UASB - WasteStabilization Ponds - Other treatment methods - Reclamation and Reuse of sewage - RecentAdvances in Sewage Treatment - Construction, Operation and Maintenance aspects. - Dischargestandards-sludge treatment -Disposal of sludge
Thanks for your love and support guys keep supporting and share let the Engineers know about Us and leave a comment below for better improvements
If there is any doubt feel free to ask me I will clear if I can or-else I will say some solutions ..get me through WhatsApp for instant updates ~$tuff$£ctor
Estimation of surface and subsurface water resources - Predicting demand for water- Impurities of
water and their significance - Physical, chemical and bacteriological analysis - Waterborne diseases
- Standards for potable water. Intake of water: Pumping and gravity schemes.
Objectives - Unit operations and processes - Principles, functions, and design of water treatment
plant units, aerators of flash mixers, Coagulation and flocculation – Clarifloccuator - Plate and tube
settlers - Pulsator clarifier - sand filters - Disinfection - softening, removal of iron and manganese -
Defluoridation - Softening - Desalination process - Residue Management - Construction, Operation
and Maintenance aspects
Storage and balancing reservoirs - types, location and capacity. Distribution system: layout,
hydraulics of pipe lines, pipe fittings, valves including check and pressure reducing valves, meters,
analysis of distribution systems, leak detection, maintenance of distribution systems, pumping
stations and their operations - House service connections.
Characteristics and composition of sewage - Population equivalent - Sanitary sewage flow estimation
- Sewer materials - Hydraulics of flow in sanitary sewers - Sewer design - Storm drainage-Storm
runoff estimation - Sewer appurtenances - Corrosion in sewers - Prevention and control – Sewage
pumping-drainage in buildings - Plumbing systems for drainage
Objectives - Selection of Treatment Methods - Principles, Functions, - Activated Sludge Process and
Extended aeration systems - Trickling filters - Sequencing Batch Reactor(SBR) - UASB - Waste
Stabilization Ponds - Other treatment methods - Reclamation and Reuse of sewage - Recent
Advances in Sewage Treatment - Construction, Operation and Maintenance aspects. - Discharge
standards-sludge treatment -Disposal of sludge