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(MEsaage ur sub code , syllabus as text, exam date for important questions request)
1.Worst case and average case analysis
2.Rabin-Karp algorithm ,Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm. May be part c ***
3.Rare :Insertion sort binary search** 2 marks expected
1. Kruskal’s and Prim’s algorithm, Dijkstra’s algorithm
2.Ford-Fulkerson method**
1.matrix chain multiplication
2.Divide and conquer method(finding min and max )**,Huffman Trees.�*** must read don't leave this qn
3.Merge sort , Quick sort **
1.Venn diagram representation,**
2.randomized quick sort , Finding kth smallest number**
3. Randomized Algorithms: concept and application
1.Traveling Salesman problem, Knapsack problem****may be part c
2.Backtracking – Hamiltonian Circuit Problem**
3.Assignment problem
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If there is any doubt feel free to ask me I will clear if I can or-else I will say some solutions ..get me through WhatsApp for instant updates ~$tuff$£ctor
UNIT I INTRODUCTION Algorithm analysis: Time and space complexity - Asymptotic Notations and its properties Best case, Worst case and average case analysis – Recurrence relation: substitution method - Lower bounds –searching: linear search, binary search and Interpolation Search, Pattern search: The naïve string-matching algorithm - Rabin-Karp algorithm - Knuth-Morris-Pratt algorithm. Sorting: Insertion sort –heap sortUNIT II GRAPH ALGORITHMS Graph algorithms: Representations of graphs - Graph traversal: DFS – BFS - applications - Connectivity, strong connectivity, bi-connectivity - Minimum spanning tree: Kruskal’s and Prim’s algorithm- Shortest path: Bellman-Ford algorithm - Dijkstra’s algorithm - Floyd-Warshall algorithm Network flow: Flow networks - Ford-Fulkerson method – Matching: Maximum bipartite matchingUNIT III ALGORITHM DESIGN TECHNIQUES Divide and Conquer methodology: Finding maximum and minimum - Merge sort - Quick sort Dynamic programming: Elements of dynamic programming — Matrix-chain multiplication - Multi stage graph —Optimal Binary Search Trees. Greedy Technique: Elements of the greedy strategy - Activity-selection problem –- Optimal Merge pattern — Huffman Trees.UNIT IV STATE SPACE SEARCH ALGORITHMS Backtracking: n-Queens problem - Hamiltonian Circuit Problem - Subset Sum Problem – Graph colouring problem Branch and Bound: Solving 15-Puzzle problem - Assignment problem - Knapsack Problem - Travelling Salesman ProblemUNIT V NP-COMPLETE AND APPROXIMATION ALGORITHM Tractable and intractable problems: Polynomial time algorithms – Venn diagram representation - NP-algorithms - NP-hardness and NP-completeness – Bin Packing problem - Problem reduction: TSP – 3CNF problem. Approximation Algorithms: TSP - Randomized Algorithms: concept and application - primality testing - randomized quick sort - Finding kth smallest number
If there is any doubt feel free to ask me I will clear if I can or-else I will say some solutions ..get me through WhatsApp for instant updates ~$tuff$£ctor