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Prepared by  
     S.Santhosh (Admin) 
Important questions 
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1.Gauss elimination method , Pivoting , Gauss Jordan method 2.Iterative methods of Gauss Jacobi and Gauss Seidel UNIT-2 1. Newton’s forward and backward difference 2.Lagrange's interpolation,Newton’s divided difference interpolation
Don't share it as screenshot UNIT-3 1.Numerical integration using Trapezoidal, Simpson’s 1/3 rule ** 2. Rombergs method ** UNIT-4 1.Fourth order Runge **
2. Kutta method for solving first order equations 3. Taylors method UNIT-5 1.Two dimensional Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations ** on rectangular domain 2.One dimensional heat flow equation by explicit and implicit 
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    All the best.... from admin Santhosh

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 Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations - Fixed point iteration method – Newton Raphson method - Solution of linear system of equations - Gauss elimination method – Pivoting - Gauss Jordan method – Iterative methods of Gauss Jacobi and Gauss Seidel - Eigenvalues of a matrix by Power method  and Jacobi’s method for symmetric matrices.  
UNIT II  INTERPOLATION   AND   APPROXIMATION                                                        Interpolation with unequal intervals - Lagrange's interpolation – Newton’s divided difference interpolation – Cubic  Splines - Difference operators and relations - Interpolation with equal intervals - Newton’s forward and backward difference formulae. 
 UNIT III  NUMERICAL   DIFFERENTIATION   AND   INTEGRATION                                 Approximation of derivatives using interpolation polynomials - Numerical integration using Trapezoidal, Simpson’s 1/3 rule – Romberg’s Method - Two point and three point Gaussian quadrature formulae – Evaluation of double integrals by Trapezoidal and Simpson’s 1/3 rules. 
 UNIT IV     INITIAL VALUE PROBLEMS FOR ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS    Single step methods - Taylor’s series method - Euler’s method - Modified Euler’s method - Fourth order  Runge - Kutta method for solving first order equations - Multi step methods - Milne’s and Adams - Bash forth predictor corrector methods for solving first order equations.
UNIT V  BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS IN ORDINARY AND PARTIAL              DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS                                                                                 
Finite difference methods for solving second order two - point linear boundary value problems - Finite difference techniques for the solution of two dimensional Laplace’s and Poisson’s equations on rectangular domain – One dimensional heat flow equation by explicit and implicit (Crank Nicholson) methods – One dimensional wave equation by explicit method.

Santhosh (Admin)

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