Ph3151 Engineering physics (EP-1)
Stuff Sector
Prepared by
S.Santhosh (Admin)
Important questions
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1. Gyroscope ,torsional pendulum
,double pendulum**
2. rotational kinetic energy and moment of inertia - theorems of M .I
1. Maxwell’s equations of electromagnetic waves: speed, amplitude, phase
1. Doppler effect,Michelson interferometer,einstein
2. LAser full topic**
1.rare Free particle particle in a infinite potential well
2. Schrödinger’s wave equation**.
3. Compton affect
1. harmonic oscillator
2. Bloch’s theorem**
3.Kronig-Penney model**4.rare tunneling microscope
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*These questions are expected for the exams This may or may not be asked for exams All the best.... from admin Santhosh
Thanks for your love and support guys keep supporting and share let the Engineers know about Us and leave a comment below for better improvements If there is any doubt feel free to ask me I will clear if I can or-else I will say some solutions ..get me through WhatsApp for instant updates ~$tuff$£ctorSYllabuSUNIT I MECHANICS Multi-particle dynamics: Center of mass (CM) – CM of continuous bodies – motion of the CM – kinetic energy of the system of particles. Rotation of rigid bodies: Rotational kinematics – rotational kinetic energy and moment of inertia - theorems of M .I –moment of inertia of continuous bodies – M.I of a diatomic molecule - torque – rotational dynamics of rigid bodies – conservation of angularmomentum – rotational energy state of a rigid diatomic molecule - gyroscope - torsional pendulum – double pendulum –Introduction to nonlinear oscillations. UNIT II ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES The Maxwell’s equations - wave equation; Plane electromagnetic waves in vacuum, Conditions on the wave field - properties of electromagnetic waves: speed, amplitude, phase, orientation and waves in matter - polarization - Producing electromagnetic waves - Energy and momentum in EM waves: Intensity, waves from localized sources, momentum and radiation pressure - Cell-phone reception. Reflection and transmission of electromagnetic waves from a non-conducting medium- vacuum interface for normal incidence. UNIT III OSCILLATIONS, OPTICS AND LASERS Simple harmonic motion - resonance –analogy between electrical and mechanical oscillating systems - waves on a string - standing waves - traveling waves - Energy transfer of a wave - sound waves - Doppler effect. Reflection and refraction of light waves - total internal reflection - interference –Michelson interferometer –Theory of air wedge and experiment. Theory of laser - characteristics - Spontaneous and stimulated emission - Einstein’s coefficients - population inversion - Nd-YAG laser, CO2 laser, semiconductor laser –Basic applications of lasers in industry. UNIT IV BASIC QUANTUM MECHANICS Photons and light waves - Electrons and matter waves –Compton effect - The Schrodinger equation (Time dependent and time independent forms) - meaning of wave function - Normalization –Free particle - particle in a infinite potential well: 1D,2D and 3D Boxes- Normalization, probabilities and the correspondence principle. UNIT V APPLIED QUANTUM MECHANICS The harmonic oscillator(qualitative)- Barrier penetration and quantum tunneling(qualitative)- Tunneling microscope - Resonant diode - Finite potential wells (qualitative)- Bloch’s theorem for particles in a periodic potential –particles in a periodic potential –Basics of Kronig-Penney model and origin of energy bands.
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*These questions are expected for the exams This may or may not be asked for exams
All the best.... from admin Santhosh
Thanks for your love and support guys keep supporting and share let the Engineers know about Us and leave a comment below for better improvements
If there is any doubt feel free to ask me I will clear if I can or-else I will say some solutions ..get me through WhatsApp for instant updates ~$tuff$£ctorUNIT I MECHANICS
Multi-particle dynamics: Center of mass (CM) – CM of continuous bodies – motion of the CM –
kinetic energy of the system of particles. Rotation of rigid bodies: Rotational kinematics – rotational kinetic energy and moment of inertia - theorems of M .I –moment of inertia of continuous bodies – M.I of a diatomic molecule - torque – rotational dynamics of rigid bodies – conservation of angularmomentum – rotational energy state of a rigid diatomic molecule - gyroscope - torsional pendulum
– double pendulum –Introduction to nonlinear oscillations.
The Maxwell’s equations - wave equation; Plane electromagnetic waves in vacuum, Conditions on
the wave field - properties of electromagnetic waves: speed, amplitude, phase, orientation and
waves in matter - polarization - Producing electromagnetic waves - Energy and momentum in EM
waves: Intensity, waves from localized sources, momentum and radiation pressure - Cell-phone
reception. Reflection and transmission of electromagnetic waves from a non-conducting medium-
vacuum interface for normal incidence.
Simple harmonic motion - resonance –analogy between electrical and mechanical oscillating
systems - waves on a string - standing waves - traveling waves - Energy transfer of a wave - sound
waves - Doppler effect. Reflection and refraction of light waves - total internal reflection -
interference –Michelson interferometer –Theory of air wedge and experiment. Theory of laser -
characteristics - Spontaneous and stimulated emission - Einstein’s coefficients - population
inversion - Nd-YAG laser, CO2 laser, semiconductor laser –Basic applications of lasers in industry.
Photons and light waves - Electrons and matter waves –Compton effect - The Schrodinger
equation (Time dependent and time independent forms) - meaning of wave function -
Normalization –Free particle - particle in a infinite potential well: 1D,2D and 3D Boxes-
Normalization, probabilities and the correspondence principle.
The harmonic oscillator(qualitative)- Barrier penetration and quantum tunneling(qualitative)-
Tunneling microscope - Resonant diode - Finite potential wells (qualitative)- Bloch’s theorem for particles in a periodic potential –particles in a periodic potential –Basics of Kronig-Penney model and origin of energy bands.