OCS352 Iot concepts and applications

                              Stuff Sector

1.IoT architecture,Alternative IoT Models arch**
2. Fog, Edge and Cloud in IoT
1.Bluetooth, wifi ***
3.Sensors and Actuators**
2.Cloud Computing*
 3. Wireless sensor network**
1.Architecture ,Programming Interfacing Using GPIO Pins**
2.IOT deployment for Raspberry Pi Arduino**

UNIT-5 1. Smart city, smart agriculture **
or 2. Home automation, environment surveillance 

**Very important questions are bolded and may be asked based on this topic


1.Compulsory Questions {a case study where the student will have to read and analyse the subject }
mostly asked from unit 5(OR) a situation given and you have to answer on your own

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    All the best.... from admin Santhosh

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Unit 1

Evolution of internet of things - enabling technologies - iot architecture : oneM2M, Iot world forum ( IOT WF) and alternative IOT mobiles - simplified IOT architecture and core IOT Functional stack - Fog,Edge and cloud in iot

Unit 2 components in internet of things

Functional block of an iot ecosystem - sensor , actuators and small object - control units - communication modules ( Bluetooth,zigbee,Wifi,Gps,GSM Modules)

Unit 3 protocols and technologies behind iot

Iot protocols - ipv6 ,6lowpan,MQTT,coAP - RFID , wireless sensor networks ,BigData analytics , cloud computing, embedded systems.

Unit 4. Open platform and programming
Iot deployment for Raspberry Pi / arduino platform - architecture - programming - interfacing - accessing GpIO pins - sending and receiving signals using GPIO pins - connecting to the cloud.

Unit 5. Iot applications
Business model for internet of things, smart City ,smart mobility and transport , industrial iot , smart health, environment monitoring and surveillance - home automation - smart agriculture.
Santhosh (Admin)

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