Prepared by
S.Santhosh (Admin)
Important questions
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1. Cop production modelling
2. GIS, GPS**
Unit 2
1. Management of crop growth,crop production in greenhouse **
1. Cop production modelling
2. GIS, GPS**
Unit 2
1. Management of crop growth,crop production in greenhouse **
2. Model of plant production and horticulture
Unit 3
1.managerial overview ,reliability of agriculture system
Unit 3
1.managerial overview ,reliability of agriculture system
2. Simulation of Crop growth, artificial intelligence and designing support systems
3. linear programming ,project scheduling.
Unit 4
Unit 4
1.Importance of climate variability and seasonal forecasting,understanding and predicting world's climate system
2. Global climatic model and their potential for seasonal climate forecasting,
Unit 5
2.e-commerce ,e-business system and applications technology enhanced learning system solutions
3. e-learning, rural development and information society** may be part c
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*These questions are expected for the exams This may or may not be asked for exams All the best.... from admin Santhosh
Thanks for your love and support guys keep supporting and share let the Engineers know about Us and leave a comment below for better improvements If there is any doubt feel free to ask me I will clear if I can or-else I will say some solutions ..get me through WhatsApp for instant updates ~$tuff$£ctorSYllabuS
Unit 1(Precision Farming)Precision Agriculture and agricultural management -Ground Based sensor, remote sensing GPS, GIS and mapping software, yield mapping systems,crop production modeling
Unit 2(environment control system)Artificial light system, management of crop growth in greenhouses, simulation of CO2 consumption in greenhouse, on-line Measurement of plant Growth in the greenhouse, model of plant production and expert systems in horticulture
Unit 3( agricultural system management)Agriculture systems- managerial overview , reliability of agriculture system,simulation of Crop growth and field operational ,optimizing the use of resources, linear programming ,project scheduling, artificial intelligence and designing support systems
Unit 4( weather prediction models )Importance of climate variability and seasonal forecasting,understanding and predicting world's climate system, Global climatic model and their potential for seasonal climate forcasting,general system approach to applying seasonal climate forecasts
Unit 5 (e- governance in agricultural systems)Expert systems ,Decision support systems ,agriculture and biological database, e-commerce ,e-business system and applications technology enhanced learning system and solutions ,e-learning, rural development and information society
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*These questions are expected for the exams This may or may not be asked for exams
All the best.... from admin Santhosh
Thanks for your love and support guys keep supporting and share let the Engineers know about Us and leave a comment below for better improvements
If there is any doubt feel free to ask me I will clear if I can or-else I will say some solutions ..get me through WhatsApp for instant updates ~$tuff$£ctorUnit 1(Precision Farming)