Prepared by
S.Santhosh (Admin)
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OEN351 Drinking water supply and treatment
UNIT -11.Planning, Objectives, Design period, Population forecasting**2. Water demand Sources of water and their characteristics**3. Source Water quality, Characterization-Significance, Drinking Water quality standards.Don't share as screenshot
1.Pipe materials, Hydraulics of flow, design pipes
2.Types and capacity of pumps materials**
3. Laying, jointing and testing of Selection of pumps and pipe**
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UNIT -31.Unit operations and processes Principles, functions, and design of water Treatment plant units** may be PART C2.aerators of flash mixers, Coagulation, flocculation Pulsator clarifier sand filters3.Construction, Operation and Maintenance aspects. **Don't share as screenshot
1. Desalination, R.O. Plant, demineralization **2, Adsorption - Ion exchange Membrane Systems RO Reject Management Iron 3 Defluoridation Construction and Operation & Maintenance aspects Recent advances **4. MBR process.UNIT-51.Requirements of water distribution Components Selection of pipe material 2. Network design , Economics Analysis of distribution networks**3. Leak detection, Principles of design of water supply in buildings **4. Fixtures and fittings, systems of plumbing and types of plumbing.Don't share as screenshot -Stuff sector
**Very important questions are bolded and may be asked based on this topic
1.Compulsory Questions {a case study where the student will have to read and analyse the subject }mostly asked from unit 2, 5(OR) a situation given and you have to answer on your own
OEN351 Drinking water supply and treatment
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1.Pipe materials, Hydraulics of flow, design pipes
2.Types and capacity of pumps materials**
3. Laying, jointing and testing of Selection of pumps and pipe**
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1. Desalination, R.O. Plant, demineralization **
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**Very important questions are bolded and may be asked based on this topic
don't waste my hardwork and valuable time
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*These questions are expected for the exams This may or may not be asked for exams All the best.... from admin Santhosh
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Public water supply system - Planning, Objectives, Design period, Population forecasting, Water demand Sources of water and their characteristics, Surface and Groundwater- Impounding Reservoir Development and selection of source - Source Water quality - Characterization-Significance - Drinking Water quality standards.
Water supply intake structures - Functions; Pipes and conduits for water - Pipe materials - Hydraulics of flow in pipes - Transmission main design pipes appurtenances Types and capacity of pumps materials. Laying, jointing and testing of Selection of pumps and pipe
Plate and tube settlers Disinfection Objectives Unit operations and processes Principles, functions, and design of water Treatment plant units, aerators of flash mixers, Coagulation and flocculation Pulsator clarifier sand filters] Clarifloccuator - Residue Management - Construction, Operation and Maintenance aspects.
Water softening - Desalination - R.O. Plant - demineralization - Adsorption - Ion exchange Membrane Systems RO Reject Management Iron and Manganese removal - Defluoridation Construction and Operation & Maintenance aspects Recent advances - MBR process.
Requirements of water distribution Components Selection of pipe material - Service reservoirs - Functions - Network design - Economics Analysis of distribution networks - Computer applications Appurtenances - Leak detection. Principles of design of water supply in buildings - House service connection - Fixtures and fittings, systems of plumbing and types of plumbing.