Prepared by  
     S.Santhosh (Admin) 
Important questions 
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1. Emergence, Evolution of RPA and it's Application**

2. Differentiating RPA from Automation Benefits of RPA ***

3. User Interface, Domains in Activities, Workflow Files


1. Sequencing the Workflow, Activities, Flowchart, Control Flow for Decision making.

2.   Finding the control, waiting for a control, Act on a control, UiExplorer, Handling Events***


1. App Integration, Recording, Scraping, Selector, Workflow Activities.***

2. Scraping data from website and writing to CSV, Process Mining

Unit 4

1. Exception handling, common exception, logging***

2. Debugging techniques,  code management and maintenance, project organization 

3. workflows, reusability, templates,  state machine, nesting workflow.**


1. Publishing using publish utility, Orchestration Server, Control bots

2. Publishing and managing updates RPA Vendors , Open Source RPA, Future of RPA***

**Very important questions are bolded and may be asked based on this topic


1.Compulsory Questions {a case study where the student will have to read and analyse the subject }
mostly asked from unit 2, 5(OR) a situation given and you have to answer on your own

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    All the best.... from admin Santhosh

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UNIT I INTRODUCTION TO ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION Emergence of Robotic Process Automation (RPA), Evolution of RPA, Differentiating RPA from Automation Benefits of RPA - Application areas of RPA, Components of RPA, RPA Platforms. Robotic Process Automation Tools Templates, User Interface, Domains in Activities, Workflow Files UNIT II AUTOMATION PROCESS ACTIVITIES Sequence, Flowchart & Control Flow: Sequencing the Workflow, Activities, Flowchart, Control Flow for Decision making. Data Manipulation: Variables, Collection, Arguments, Data Table, Clipboard management, File operations Controls: Finding the control, waiting for a control, Act on a control, UiExplorer, Handling Events UNIT III APP INTEGRATION, RECORDING AND SCRAPING App Integration, Recording, Scraping, Selector, Workflow Activities. Recording mouse and keyboard actions to perform operation, Scraping data from website and writing to CSV, Process Mining Unit 4- Exception handling and code management Exception handling, common exception, logging -debugging techniques, collection crashdump, Error reporting, code management and maintenance, project organization ,workflows, reusability, templates, commenting technique, state machine., template, nesting workflow. UNIT V DEPLOYMENT AND MAINTENANCE Publishing using publish utility, Orchestration Server, Control bots, Orchestration Server to deploy bots, License management, Publishing and managing updates RPA Vendors - Open Source RPA, Future of RPA

Santhosh (Admin)

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