Prepared by
S.Santhosh (Admin)
Important questions
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Unit 11. Indian energy scenariao in various sectors, future energy plans2. conventional energy status , potential, global energy statusUnit 21. solar PV apps , fundamentals of solar photo voltaic conversion solar cells2.Solar thermal collectors 3. Instruments for measuring solar radiation and sun shineUnit 31. Wind data and energy estimation -,Betz limit Site selection for windfarms2. Horizontal and vertical axis windmills
3.Hybrid systems Environmental issues - Applications.
Unit 4
1.Types of biomass gasifiers Cogeneration Carbonisation, Pyrolysis Biogas plants2. Biomass direct combustion-thermochemical conversion*3. ethanol productionUnit 5 1.OTEC (full topic)rare 2. types of geothermal power plant
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**Very important questions are bolded and may be asked based on this topic
1.Compulsory Questions {a case study where the student will have to read and analyse the subject }mostly asked from unit 2, 5(OR) a situation given and you have to answer on your own
2. Horizontal and vertical axis windmills
3.Hybrid systems Environmental issues - Applications.
Unit 4
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**Very important questions are bolded and may be asked based on this topic
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*These questions are expected for the exams This may or may not be asked for exams All the best.... from admin Santhosh
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Indian energy scenario in various sectors domestic, industrial, commercial, agriculture, transportation and others Present conventional energy status Present renewable energy status-Potential of various renewable energy sources-Global energy status-Per capita energy consumption - Future energy plans
Solar radiation Measurements of solar radiation and sunshine Solar spectrum Solar thermal collectors Flat plate and concentrating collectors Solar thermal applications Solar thermal energy storage Fundamentals of solar photo voltaic conversion Solar cells Solar PV Systems - Solar PV applications.
Wind data and energy estimation-Betz limit - Site selection for windfarms-characteristics - Wind resource assessment Horizontal axis wind turbine components Vertical axis wind turbine Wind turbine generators and its performance Hybrid systems Environmental issues Applications.
Bio resources Biomass direct combustion thermochemical conversion biochemical conversion-mechanical conversion Biomass gasifier Types of biomass gasifiers Cogeneration Carbonisation Pyrolysis Biogas plants production Applications. Digesters -Biodiesel production Ethanol
Small hydro Tidal energy Wave
energy Open and closed OTEC Cycles Limitations Geothermal energy Geothermal energy sources Applications - Environmental impact