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Prepared by  
     S.Santhosh (Admin) 
Important questions 
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Unit 1

1.Classification of energy, world energy resources and energy consumption
2.Renewable and non-renewable energy sources and their availability*
3.  Indian energy resources and energy consumption, energy crisis**
Unit 2 
1. Thermal, nuclear reactors efficiency, merits and demerits of the above power plants (draw drawings neatly and clearly)
 Unit 3
1. Wind energy, types of windmills, types of rotors wind electric power gen, wind power in India, economics of wind farm**
2.Solar  flat plate collectors and Solar Thermal Power Plant**
3.solar water heating, cooling, solar dryers, solar pond**
4.ocean wave ,thermal energy conversion, tidal energy conversion
Unit 4
1.Methods of biomass conversion, combustion, gasification, pyrolysis, biogas production, ethanol, fuel cells*** may be part C
2.Magneto hydrodynamic power generation, energy storage routes like thermal energy storage, chemical, mechanical storage and electrical storage.
Unit 5 
1.Energy audit, energy saving in heat exchangers, furnaces and boilers**
2. steam economy in chemical plants, energy conservation.

**Very important questions are bolded and may be asked based on this topic


1.Compulsory Questions {a case study where the student will have to read and analyse the subject }
mostly asked from unit 2, 5(OR) a situation given and you have to answer on your own

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    All the best.... from admin Santhosh

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 Units of energy, conversion factors, general classification of energy, world energy resources and energy consumption, Indian energy resources and energy consumption, energy crisis, energy alternatives, Renewable and non-renewable energy sources and their availability. Prospects of Renewable energy sources


Conventional energy resources, Thermal, hydel and nuclear reactors, thermal, hydel and nuclear power plants, efficiency, merits and demerits of the above power plants, combustion processes,fluidized bed combustion.


Solar energy, solar thermal systems, flat plate collectors, focusing collectors, solar water heating,solar cooling, solar distillation, solar refrigeration, solar dryers, solar pond, solar thermal power generation, solar energy application in India, energy plantations. Wind energy, types of windmills,types of wind rotors, Darrieus rotor and Gravian rotor, wind electric power generation, wind power in India, economics of wind farm, ocean wave energy conversion, ocean thermal energy conversion, tidal energy conversion, geothermal energy.


Biomass energy resources, thermo-chemical and biochemical methods of biomass conversion,combustion, gasification, pyrolysis, biogas production, ethanol, fuel cells, alkaline fuel cell,phosphoric acid fuel cell, molten carbonate fuel cell, solid oxide fuel cell, solid polymer electrolytefuel cell, magneto hydrodynamic power generation, energy storage routes like thermal energy storage, chemical, mechanical storage and electrical storage.


Energy conservation in chemical process plants, energy audit, energy saving in heat exchangers,distillation columns, dryers, ovens and furnaces and boilers, steam economy in chemical plants,energy conservation.

Santhosh (Admin)

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